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Help Lanyuk to fight her skin tumor


Hello reader!

Lanyuk is one of the dogs that we feed daily. She lives in a Balinese compound, owned by a Balinese family, but their condition is so poor that they don't really take care of their dog properly.

Lanyuk is a female Balinese dog, maybe around 4-5 years old. She had a few puppies already, so we spayed her to avoid her getting another litter and also to help her gain strength.

Lanyuk is a medium size dog. She tends to be so skinny compared to other dogs in her size and age. She always has a skin problem so I tried to give her Bravecto one time, but it didn't work.

We also already gave ketoconazole, a medication for fungus, for 30 days, but it also didn't give any good improvement for her skin. Instead, we found out that a tumor had come out of her leg. Later on, it was also appearing on the bottom of her belly. Seeing this, my friend, Annie, and I planned to take some actions to help her.

I also tried to report her condition to our local animal welfare, and they suggested putting her to sleep since her condition will worsen and the chance of her getting healed is very small. But I didn't want to give up easily on her. I contacted a Vet that I know ever operated on a really worse tumor case on a dog, and now the dog is healthy and active again.

He said, he could do it for Lanyuk, and her chance to be alive and healthy still exists. We planned to catch Lanyuk since she is pretty difficult to be approached and always runs away when we are too close to her.

We tried one time, and it failed. Lanyuk ran away when the Vet tried to blow-dart her to put the anesthetic so he could bring Lanyuk to his clinic. Then we need to wait until she isn't too traumatized, and we could try to catch her again. But that time, we needed help from the owner to put Lanyuk inside her room with food. Then Vet will come and blow-dart her from the window.

It worked!

We could catch Lanyuk. The vet brought her to do an operation and chemotherapy. The operation went well. The vet took out the tumor and already did 2 times chemotherapy on her. Lanyuk needs to be in the clinic for a month - and maybe another few weeks, so we can make sure that her wounds are drying well, and we can return her to her owner. Because once we let her out, it will be very hard to catch her again to do any treatment.

We need your help to cover Lanyuk's bill since Feed Bali Stray is a non-profit movement with most of the operation using Dea's own money with the help of a few friends. We are not a big non-profit organization, and it's really hard not to do anything when you see a dog out there that needs help.

This is the cost until January 6th.

If you want to help to cover Lanyuk's bill, please donate here:

Spread kindness, spread love.....



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